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More Buyers Open To Owning With Family Or Friends

Traditionally, buying a house was something you did with your spouse. First, you'd get married then you'd move into your newly purchased home together. But while married couples still account for the largest share of home buyers, things have been changing recently. In fact, according to one new survey from the National Association of Realtors' consumer website, an overwhelming majority of survey participants now say they'd be willing to buy a home with someone other than a spouse or partner. Danielle Hale, the website's chief economist, says market conditions are partly responsible for the shift in attitudes. “The challenging market conditions this year are changing buyer behavior in significant ways, driving many more people to explore alternative living situations they may not have considered in the past,” Hale said. Among survey respondents, 83 percent said they'd consider buying a house with a family member or friend, with 37 percent saying they'd be most open to buying with their child – though romantic partners, siblings, cousins, or other family members in the same age group followed closely behind.


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