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The Most Searched For Home Attributes Of 2024

The internet is likely the first place you’ll go when you decide to buy a home. It’s the quickest way to get a feel for your local housing market. It’s also a great way to find out your priorities. After all, the first terms you enter when you search for homes to buy are likely the ones that are most important to you. So, what are some common home shopper search queries? Well, according to a new analysis of search-term trends, last year’s most searched-for attributes were a combination of function and fantasy. Utility items like garages and patios made the list alongside more aspirational searches for beachfront property and luxury homes. The most popular search term of 2024, though, was “ranch,” followed by “lake,” “duplex,” “cabin,” and “farm.”  There were some regional differences as well, with buyers in warm-weather states preferring homes with a pool and shoppers in Mississippi prioritizing backyards. One home buyer in Colorado even searched for a home with a roller coaster, while “spooky” and “haunted” houses were popular with buyers in 22 states.


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