Whether you just bought a house or are thinking about buying a house, home improvement projects may be on your mind. After all, unless you're moving into something newly built, there are bound to be things about your home you'd like to fix or change. It's natural. We all want our homes to fit our needs and have the features that make us feel most comfortable. But what are the most common projects homeowners are undertaking right now? Well, according to one recent survey, bathrooms lead the list. Renovating a bathroom was named by 52 percent of respondents when asked what topped their to-do list. Kitchens came in second, which isn't surprising. The kitchen, in many ways is the heart of the home, and an area most of us would like to customize to fit our needs. Home offices are also a popular project these days, with 31 percent of participants saying they were going to add one or improve an existing space. The rest of the list included finishing a basement or attic, adding a room, and building a separate dwelling. But whatever job you're considering, the first step is finding a reliable contractor and making sure you know how the cost of the job will fit into your budget.
