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What Size Do You Want Your Next Home To Be?

People move for a variety of reasons. A move could be inspired by everything from a new job in a different area to weather or a desire to be closer to family and friends. On the list of reasons people move, though, space is always near the top. Home buyers are often looking to expand – or downsize – their living space. But is there a size that's right for most buyers? A new analysis from the National Association of Home Builders offers some clues on what most home shoppers want. According to the analysis, 21 percent of home buyers want a house between 1,600 and 2,000 square feet, while 26 percent want something smaller than 1,600 square feet. That means, nearly half of all home buyers are looking for a home under 2,000 square feet. Up next, an additional 38 percent of shoppers say they prefer a house between 2,000 and 3,000 square feet. That's a decent sized home and a significant share of shoppers who're interested in finding one. But 3,000 square feet may be the limit, as homes larger than 3,000 square feet were the least in demand, with just 14 percent of buyers looking for a home that size.


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